Saturday, February 18, 2012

Marble - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Marble is from heat and pressure on limestone.

Marble - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

'via Blog this'

Pyrite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pyrite is from iron.

Pyrite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

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Ultimate Horse Book: Elwyn Hartley Edwards: Books

Ultimate Horse Book
Horse's Tail, Beamish Museum
Horse's Tail, Beamish Museum (Photo credit: welshmackem)

On page 125 they showed a horses' tail as big as its legs!


wild horses
wild horses (Photo credit: galdo trouchky)
Wild horses normally one is dating another wild horse another boy comes along and starts fighting and more come along and fight.  The girl horse walks away because she doesn't like them fighting.
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Abraham Lincoln

English: Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth Presid...
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Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky.  He liked to read books.  He married Mary Todd and they had 4 sons.  After becoming a lawyer he was the president.  In the 1800s many people in the south owned slaves.  The civil war began in 1861.  In 1863 Abraham signed a paper called the Emancipation Proclamation.   It helped free slaves.   Some people didn't agree with Abraham's ideas.  John Wilkes shot Abraham on April 14, 1865. Abraham died the next morning.  Abraham helped change the United States.  He helped end slavery.
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