Saturday, March 17, 2012

Cat Pregnancy

cat sex parts
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Nesting - Cat Pregnancy Signs [Slideshow]

Cat Pregnancy Signs [Slideshow]:

How to know if your cat is pregnant.

When your cat meows and meows for 2 weeks, they might be in heat.  If they get pregnant they will go out of heat.  When they are pregnant that means no more yowling.

Their nipples get bigger and dark pink.

The cat will follow you and sleep with you more often than they did before.  They will rub up against you more too.

It starts to loose its appetite and throws up for a few days.  Then it gets hungrier.

You can tell it's pregnant.

It looks for a place to lay it's babies.  Maybe in your drawers.

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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

i learned that i can plant a zombies and they kill villagers.